A Praying Life

Jan 28, 2024    Jose Ferrer

In our earlier lessons we began the conversation with the idea that since we are building this year, we need to pray and consult the architect. We are partnering with God to bring kingdom and we need the Spirits Guidance. Last week we looked at the Lords prayer and gleaned some principles to help us understand why Jesus taught this prayer and how this helps us for actual life. In the first line it opens up with “Our Father” we talked about the truth of God and him being our Father. Our position then should be as His children. The first key we have uncovered to having a praying life then is to approach God as a child. Our prayer life should look like a child coming to his or her father in absolute trust, secure, and hopeful. 

Theoretically, the this idea is sound. Practically it is extremely harder than what we first may consider on the surface. There are obstacles to our being like children. The reality is that many of us struggle to one degree or another with cynicism.

We speak of an intimate relationship with God as expressed in our praying life. One major ingredient to true intimacy is trust. You cannot have intimacy without it. 

How do we get past cynicism and to a place where we can be like little children and have that intimate relationship we are meant to have with God?