
Nov 5, 2023    Jose Ferrer

Last week we talked about Grace is greater, and will continue today in this second part of Grace is greater. 

Regrets, too many of us have them. It is good to have a sensitive disposition that allows you to feel remorse toward something you’ve done. But we are not meant to carry these forever and when we do this begins to seep into our identity and diminishes the effect of grace in our lives.  

At the same time many people can struggle with grace and the hurts they have and continue to feel. When people have been hurt and have not been able to heal, it can be very difficult to extend grace, and this can cause even deeper hurt and even regrets. 

What we are talking really talking about is sin, and its effects, the sins we have committed that give us regrets and the sins sinned against us that cause our hurts. In each of these areas, grace is what we need, God’s grace is what we are offered, and what he does not want anyone to miss.