
Aug 27, 2023    Jose Ferrer

This is our second lesson from Romans with a particular look at this church and the letter Paul wrote to them, gleaning lessons for us as we endeavor to become more of the church that God desires. 

On the surface this can seem an overwhelming and daunting task. I mean look at us, would you pick you if you were putting together a dream team to save the world from the chaos that it is in?

But that’s just it, for His glory and to demonstrate his great love and power, you and I were the ones picked and we get to partner with God and bring shalom to this world. 

In our first lesson we looked at how Paul addressed the two distinct cultures in the church and how he leveled the ground before the cross. No one is righteous, no not one. No culture or individual is right, we all need Jesus. 

Now in this lesson we look at the things that Paul teaches on in order to bind together the church and bring her to unity using the most important and common truths, the anchors that hold us steady in the storm, the truths that hold to true power of the gospel.